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We are running 2 targeting locations the first in and around London and then the second all areas outside of London within the UK. Our message is focusing on the Cookie boxes however we are noticing that there is no way to limit what the users see therefore I believe that once we have the new landing page completed sales will increase due to a clear funnel and linear communications.
We ran some heatmap tracking and user video software on the site and determined a few areas that might be hindering the checkout process.
We are tracking and retargeting abandoned carts and over time we will build out more creativity to acknowledge and address the barriers which could be causing users to leave their cart or the checkout process.
We have only been live with the campaign for 3 weeks now and I believe our analysis from the stats has highlighted areas we can address within the process. Over the next coming weeks once we have implemented the above "going forward" items we should start seeing an increase in our results however sending them to the current site is proving to be difficult in converting due to the items highlighted in our review. Our highest performing target group was that of outside London, however, until we have the cookie box landing page up then we have paused this group to limit the campaign costs as the current visitors were getting mixed messages ie: single cookies that can't be delivered which is away from the linear process we are trying to create. It would be interesting if you have seen an increase in the other purchase platform Slerp